August 9, 2021
at 9:00am - August 20, 2021 at 2:00pm Pacific Time
Integrating Energy, Equity, and Place in High School Physics:
A live online continuing education course
This work will take place in a fun, positive learning community that welcomes high school teachers who will bring diverse expertise in physics, equity, and inclusion. The course will model best practices for engaged distance learning from a science disciplinary perspective. Participants will enjoy a dynamic and compassionate professional learning community, and be energized for the upcoming academic year.
Who: High school physics teachers
When: August 9—20, 2021, Daily synchronous (live) meetings from 9—11 AM and 12—2 PM PT (12—2 PM and 3—5 PM ET)
Co-Primary Facilitators: W. Tali Hairston, Equitable Development LLC and Kara Gray, Department of Physics, Seattle Pacific University
Master Teacher: Sel Bariamichael, Seattle Urban Academy
LOGIN or REGISTER to see 18 more event participants.
Teacher supplement, In-class activity, Lecture materials, Lab, Demonstration, Video, Pre-class assignment, Homework, Student reading, Project
This unit focuses on energy generation as a way to connect physics to local environmental justice issues.
Energy Equity, Energy Efficiency, Energy Access, Energy Justice, Energy and Land Use, Environmental Racism, Environmental Impacts , Place-based Education
Induced Currents and Forces, Transformers, Motors and Generators, Energy Transformation (Conversion), Renewable Energy , Fossil Fuels, Electrical Energy Generation, Energy Infrastructure, Energy Access, Energy Justice, Energy and Land Use, Negative Impacts, Negative Environmental Impacts
Project, Teacher supplement, Video
A place-based water unit from a chemistry course in an agricultural community
Structural Inequity, Climate Change, Poverty and Economic Injustice
In-class activity, Project, Teacher supplement
How much CO2 is released because of eating corn? Beef? How is this connected to your daily life? Students make a video once they find out!
Health Care, Poverty and Economic Injustice, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gasses
LOGIN or REGISTER to see 17 more event products from our Community Library.
Resources & Reading
Jessica: Land acknowledgments (HERE); Energy justice (HERE)
Rachel: Energy conservation & tracking (HERE); Energy story of a power plant (HERE); A global energy story (HERE)
Tra: Gutiérrez's framework for equity (HERE)
Sel: Ambitious science teaching (HERE)
Energy tracking & Energy story
- Representing Energy – The site provides resources to support learners in co-constructing a flexible, interdisciplinary, energy model through the process of representing the “energy story” of diverse, real-world, scenarios.
- “Energy Tracking Diagrams,” by R. E. Scherr, B. W. Harrer, H. G. Close, and A. R. Daane, Phys. Teach. 54(96), 2016 (PDF here)
- Drawings of energy: Evidence of the Next Generation Science Standards model of energy in diagrams
- Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 8, 020114 (2012) - Representing energy. I. Representing a substance ontology for energy
- Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 8, 020115 (2012) - Representing energy. II. Energy tracking representations
- Energy Tracking Diagrams are actually my second favorite energy representation -- my favorite favorite is Energy Theater (PDF)! But it only works in person.
- We also love Energy Cubes (PDF) and Energy Animations (PDF).
- AR6 Climate Change 2021 - Sixth Assessment Report
Gutiérrez Equity Framework
- Book chapter: Gutiérrez, R. (2012). Context matters: How should we conceptualize equity in mathematics education?. In Equity in discourse for mathematics education (pp. 17-33). Springer, Dordrecht.
- Gutiérrez, R., & Dixon-Román, E. (2010). Beyond gap gazing: How can thinking about education comprehensively help us (re) envision mathematics education?. In Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 21-34). Springer, Dordrecht. (link)
- Watch: Rochelle Gutiérrez: "Rehumanizing Mathematics: A Vision for the Future"
Energy justice:
Land Acknowledgments:
Ambitious science teaching:
Participant contributions:
Working Agreements:
- Recognize shared purpose and common goals
- Grace for each other, circumstances and situations
- Be willing to provide time to slow down
- Lead with curiosity
- Assume best intentions and attend to impact
- Learning community agrees to work work toward trust building
- Mindful waiting
- Safe space where we can vocally edit & rephrase
- Mindful sharing, writing, listening, and speaking
- Do not share what is not yours to share (asking permission from source)
- Be willing to provide time to slow down
Working Groups:
A (Jessica) |
Edna Losa, Ferzileta Gjika, Nivedi Das |
B (Kara) |
Jim Panzer, Allie Boyd, Alan Grinsteinner |
C (Tra) |
Hannah Henderson, Nora Paul-Schultz, Emma Mitchell |
D (Clausell) |
Andrew Sturm, Trey Downey |
E (Rachel) |
Sydney Barosko, Bryan Colahan, Raina Sukhnani, Molly German |
F (Sel) |
Kelly O'Shea, Molly Swanson, Jennifer Blum, Rey Horowitz |
Breakout Groups:
Group 1 - Dr. Clausell Mathis, facilitator |
Raina Kishor Sukhnani, Jenna Peet, Hannah Henderson, Leonard Cerny, Alan Grinsteinner
Group 2 - Dr. Tra Huynh, facilitator |
Nora Paul-Schultz, Jennifer Blum, Bryan Colahan, Edna Losa, Ferzileta Gjika |
Group 3 - Dr. Jessica Hernandez, facilitator |
Sydney Barosko, Nivedi Das, Emma Mitchell, Andrew Sturm |
Group 4 - Ms. Sel Bariamichael, facilitator |
Kelly O'Shea, James Panzer, Alexandra Boyd, Molly Swanson, Trey Downey |
day-by-day overview & links
DAY 10 FRI. AUG. 20: Lesson Sharing and Celebration
- 9-11AM (PT): We'll start the day in Zoom!
- 9:00-9:10: Welcome & overview
- 9:10-9:30: Working groups
- Gallery of lesson plans click HERE
9:30-10:15: Explore each other's work.
10:20-11:00: Gathertown conversations
- 12-2PM (PT):
- 12:00-12:40: Gathertown conversations cont.
- 12:45-2: Zoom celebration & closing!!!
Day 9 Thurs. AUG. 19: Lesson Workshopping and Development
- 9-11AM (PT): One-on-one meetings, collaborative or independent work in Gathertown
- Schedule a one-on-one meeting HERE
- 12-2PM (PT): Core practises presentation with Ms. Sel Bariamichael, teacher video, working group discussion
- Click HERE for slides to Ms. Sel Bariamichael's presentation
- Click HERE for teacher video by Vicki Augustine
- Click HERE for working group discussion prompts
Day 8 Wed. Aug. 18: Lesson Workshopping and Development
- 9-11AM (PT): One-on-one meetings, collaborative or independent work in Gathertown
- Schedule a one-on-one meeting HERE
- 12-2PM (PT): Core practises presentation with Ms. Sel Bariamichael, teacher video, working group discussion
- Click HERE for slides to Ms. Sel Bariamichael's presentation
- Click HERE for teacher video by Rosemary Wulf
- Click HERE for working group discussion prompts
Day 7 Tues. Aug. 17: Lesson Workshopping and Development
9-11AM (PT): Core practises presentation with Ms. Sel Bariamichael, teacher video, working group discussion
- Click HERE for slides to Ms. Sel Bariamichael's presentation
- Click HERE for teacher video by Rey Horowitz
- Click HERE for working group discussion prompts
12-2PM (PT): One-on-one meetings, independent work, and Gathertown collaboration
- Reminder to sign up for one-on-one meetings HERE
Day 6 Mon. Aug. 16: Developing a Lesson and Posting to the Portal
9-11AM (PT): Overview for the week, teacher video, portal how to, overview of Ambitious Science Teaching with Ms. Sel Bariamichael
- Click HERE for overview of week slides
- Click HERE for the Teacher Video: Molly German's Water Unit
- Sel's session document HERE
- Click HERE for workshop project ideas
12-2PM (PT): Working Groups (TBA after break)
- Schedule a one-on-one meeting HERE
- Areas of focus for project team HERE
Day 5 Fri. Aug. 13: Energy Justice & friday forum
9-11AM (PT): Energy Justice with Dr. Jessica Hernandez
- Click HERE for session document.
12-2PM (PT): Friday Forum in Gathertown
- Click HERE for discussion groups
Day 4 Thurs. Aug. 12: Global Energy story and Equity Framing
Day 3 Wed. Aug. 11: Models of Energy & Energy story
12-2PM (PT): The energy story of a power plant with Dr. Rachel Scherr
- Click HERE for session document
Day 2 Tues. Aug. 10: Positionality
- 9-11AM (PT): Positionality with W. Tali Hairston
- 12-2PM (PT): Positionality with W. Tali Hairston
Day 1 Mon. Aug. 9: Introductions, Learning Goals, Norms, and Land Acknowledgements
9-11AM (PT): Introduction & Learning Goals
- Click HERE for learning objectives document
- Homeroom discussion questions:
- 1. Introduce yourself - Where, what, who do you teach?
- 2. Discuss learning goals - What excites about these learning goals? Where do you see yourself within/along the learning goals? What concerns do you have about participating? What isn’t clear? What is missing? What needs to be clarified? What questions do you have?
- 3. What needs to be clarified? What questions do you have? (post to discussion board)
12-2PM (PT): Process & Norms (12-1); Land Acknowledgements with Dr. Jessica Hernandez (1-2)
- Click HERE for the land acknowledgment session document
Full Zoom Invite:
Topic: Energy & Equity Summer Workshop
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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pre-workshop checklist
- Download Zoom
- Set up account on Energy & Equity Portal
- Pre survey: Please complete by Friday August 6th
- IRB paperwork & Payment paperwork-See email from Kara and email Robin: